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Bastion_Logo.pngBastion_Logo.pngPrivate Security and Logistics company, operating primarily in the EMEA region, are currently engaged in 9 of the top 10 conflicts, ordered by annual fatalities across the region.

Officially providing security for non-combatant personnel in active conflict zones, like their more well-known competitors Academi (formerly Blackwater Inc), and Aegis Defense, most of the operations would fall under the category of "Urban Pacification".

For countries rich in natural resources, but low on trained manpower, Bastion offers a route to a decisive victory for one side, and according to reports, are typically contracted by global mining interests to ensure the establishment of claims in the region by a cooperative government, post-conflict.

Unlike some of their competitors, Bastion focus primarily on destabilizing local support for the opposition, through a combination of the strategic removal of high value assets, as well as the instigation of attacks on Bastion-protected targets to enable "defensive" measures to be taken.

This unique strategy has allowed them to avoid major international criticism and condemnation from both the public and private sectors. Reports from regions in which they operate indicate that Bastion personnel are firm but friendly to local residents, maintain strict behavioural discipline, and are often seen providing both medical and logistical assistance.

With that said, statistics indicate that Bastion have been involved in 278% the number of "defensive" conflicts with local forces as similar organizations in their respective regions, giving credence to the reports of their methods.